
ESR9 - Lorenzo Baldi

    Nationality: Italian

    POEMA Host Institution: Inria - Sophia Antipolis, France

    Background: Algebraic Geometry, Cryptography. Master thesis: Real tensors and Algebraic Geometry

    Research interests: Real Algebraic Geometry, Effective Algebraic Geometry, Moment Problems, Polynomial Optimization


POEMA project: ESR9 Structure of moment problems and applications to polynomial optimization.

The objective of this project is to develop new relaxation methods that improve the capabilities of existing relaxation methods, by exploiting the structure of the optimization constraints and the objective function, that derive from the equality and positivity constraints of the optimization problem, and from properties such as symmetry or sparsity. To validate these algorithmic developments, an application from urban network optimization will be considered.

Secondments: Artelys, Paris, France  and University of Birmingham, UK

Supervisors: Bernard Mourrain, Inria -Sophia Antipolis, France

Read Lorenzo Baldi Blog

ESR5 - Ettore Turatti

Nationality: Brazilian

POEMA Host Institution: Univ. degli Studi di Firenze, Italy


Bachelor degree in mathematics (Unicamp - 2016), with a scientific initiation project on classical algebraic geometry. Master’s degree in mathematics (Unicamp - 2019), with the thesis “Bridgeland Stability and the Interpolation Problem”.

Research interests: Liaison theory, Bridgeland stability, interpolation, tensor rank and tensor decomposition.


POEMA project: My first goal in POEMA project is to understand the optimization problem of tensors, with respect to the rank. The rank one case is well known; therefore, the goal is to understand the problem for the higher rank case. Moreover, exact tensor decomposition algorithms based on algebraic geometry techniques, in particular using vector bundles, have been introduced recently. A second goal of the project is to convert these algorithms to numerical approximate algorithms. The project has two secondments, at Sorbonne University in Paris, and at INRIA in Sophia Antipolis.

Supervisors: Giorgio Ottaviani, Univ. degli Studi di Firenze, Italy

Read Ettore Turatti Blog

ESR4 - Alejandro González Nevado

Nationality: Spanish

POEMA Host Institution: Univ. Konstanz, Germany

Background: Algebra, Non-associative algebras, Title of master’s thesis: “Order Structures around
Evolution Algebras”

Research interests: Mathematics

POEMA project: Hyperbolic polynomials and the generalized Lax conjecture

Supervisors: Prof. Markus Schweighofer,Univ. Konstanz, Germany

 Read Alejandro González Nevado Blog







ESR3 - Arne Lien

Nationality: Norwegian

POEMA Host Institution: Univ. Konstanz, Germany


Bachelor in Mathematics and Statistics, UiT - the Arctic University of Norway.
Masters in Mathematics: Algebra, UiT - the Arctic University of Norway with one exchange semester at UTAS University of Tasmania

POEMA project: Polynomial optimization problems with symmetry.

Planned secondments: INRIA and RTE.

Supervisors: Claus Scheiderer, Univ. Konstanz, Germany

       Read Arne Lien Blog

ESR8 - Felix Kirschner

Nationality: German

POEMA Host Institution: University of Tilburg, the Netherlands

Background: I earned my B.Sc. as well as my M.Sc. at the University of Cologne, Germany. The focus of my studies was optimization

Master thesis: On bounds of Grothendieck constants

Research interests: I am interested in the "Generalized Moment Problem" (GMP) and its connection to polynomial optimization. 

POEMA project: We intend to study approximation hierarchies for polynomial optimization problems and the GMP and their implementation. Especially, we want to publish results on the convergence behavior of mentioned hierarchies. Moreover, the application of recent results in the field of polynomial optimization to classic problems in Finance and Operations Research is of interest to us. 

Research visits: CNRS, Toulouse, France and ARTELYS, Paris, France.

Supervisors: Etienne de Klerk, University of Tilburg, the Netherlands

Read Felix Kirschner Blog

This project receives funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement N° 813211  (POEMA)


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