POEMA is funded under the H2020-MSCA-ITN-2018 call and is part of the Marie Sklodowska-Curie Actions — Innovative Training Networks (ITN) funding scheme. The project aims to train scientists at the interplay of algebra, geometry and computer science for polynomial optimization problems.
Grant agreement No: 813211
Action full title: Polynomial Optimization, Efficiency through Moments and Algebra
Granting authority: Research Executive Agency
Duration: 54 Months (01/2019 — 06/2023)
Project Coordinator: INRIA
Technical Coordinator: Bernard Mourrain (INRIA)
Action full title: Polynomial Optimization, Efficiency through Moments and Algebra
Granting authority: Research Executive Agency
Duration: 54 Months (01/2019 — 06/2023)
Project Coordinator: INRIA
Technical Coordinator: Bernard Mourrain (INRIA)
POEMA is a Marie Skłodowska-Curie Innovative Training Network (2019-2022), offering 15 PhD positions starting from September 2019.
Its goal is to train scientists at the interplay of algebra, geometry and computer science for polynomial optimization problems and to foster scientific and technological advances, stimulating interdisciplinary and intersectoriality knowledge exchange between algebraists, geometers, computer scientists and industrial actors facing real-life optimization problems (read more)
Its goal is to train scientists at the interplay of algebra, geometry and computer science for polynomial optimization problems and to foster scientific and technological advances, stimulating interdisciplinary and intersectoriality knowledge exchange between algebraists, geometers, computer scientists and industrial actors facing real-life optimization problems (read more)
POEMA Consortium
The core academic partner of POEMA, namely INRIA, CNRS, SU, CWI, UvT, UKON, UNIFI, UoB, FAU, UiT. And as this community develops and gains both academic expertise and industrial insight, it will reinforce strategic connections between research and industry. Industry professionals, and POEMA industrial partners (ARTELYS, IBM, NAG, RTE), expect the application of such techniques to play a major role in upcoming technological developments (read more)
Project Plan
POEMA is designed to go beyond traditional paradigms of Mathematical optimization by exploiting new advances in algebra and convex geometry. Mathematical optimization yields significant advantages for many industry and society sectors, ranging from production planning processes, transportation, to energy consumption, and resources control. The project has been structured around six work-packages To efficiently ensure the training of young researcher on the State-of-the-Art Mathematical optimization (read more)
Board of POEMA
Supervisory Board is the central organ of POEMA project, acting as the decision making body consisting of one representative for each partner either beneficiary or associate.
Our supervisors have extensive experience in PhD supervision and teaching at the highest level. Each academic host has experienced professors, research directors or members with an accreditation to supervise research (HDR), who have successfully supervised several PhDs and senior researchers, and extensive experience in MA thesis supervision (read more)
Project News

New advances in the analysis and in the understanding of the algebra and geometry involved in polynomial optimization problems, which lead to significant progress in the development of new efficient algorithms and implementations for solving global optimization problems.
New, alternative methods for solving global optimization problems, exploiting the structure of the problems for efficiency and accuracy.
Developing the scope of applications of this new paradigm by addressing challenging applications and optimization bottlenecks in physics, information processing, communication, economy, energy management, etc opening new innovation perspectives across numerous domains.(read more on our news)
POEMA Final Workshop

Open position in POEMA
POEMA Workshop 4

POEMA Industrial Workshop

POEMA Learning Week 2
POEMA at SIAM OP 2021 and SIAM AG 2021

The SIAM Conference on Optimization (OP20) was organized virtually on July 20-23, 2021 and SIAM AG 2021 was organized August 16-20 (read more)