Soodeh Habibi (UoB) completed the secondment at FAU

Soodeh Habibi from University of Birmingham had a secondment at Friedrich-Alexander-Universitaet Erlangen (FAU) from October to December 2020.

The main purposes of this secondment were trying to enhance the effectiveness of these preconditioners on both IP and PD-PBM methods, finding the similarities of these two methods on SDPs more specifically on Truss topology problems, and start writing their joint paper.

In this secondment along with the last ESR12’s secondment in UoB, the development of optimization solvers taking structures specific to polynomial optimization problems into account is exchanged.  This includes a common data and software basis, maintained by the two groups. It turned out that the linear systems which have to be solved at the core of both methods have a mathematically equivalent structure. Thus, it seems possible to develop iterative methods and, in particular, preconditioners, which can be applied in the framework of both solution concepts. These methods have been tested using problems from truss topology design. Furthermore, ESR12 and ESR13 have started writing the paper and will continue our collaboration in the next term.


Friedrich-Alexander-Universitaet Erlangen (FAU) and shared work space of Arefeh and Soodeh