Arefeh Kavand, an ESR at Friedrich-Alexander-Universitaet Erlangen (FAU) has completed the secondment at University of Birmingham
Arefeh started the secondment in June 2020 from remote because of Covid reason. She came to Birmingham in August to finish the rest of the secondment until 10 September 2020. She worked closely in collaboration with ESR13, Soodeh Habibi on solving SDP problems using “Interior point method” and to design proper preconditioners for solving Hessian system. In this secondment she aims to prove some features of the new preconditioners theoretically which has been shown numerically. These features are tested on “truss problems” using Penalty/Barrier Multiplier method by using so-called preconditioners.
A paper is in preparation, working title:” Penalty methods for low-rank semidefinite programming with application to truss topology optimization”