Completion of secondment of Alejandro González Nevado

Alejandro González Nevado is  one of the two POEMA's Early Stage Researchers at University of Konstanz.

His research topic is Hyperbolic polynomials and the generalized Lax conjecture supervised by Prof. Markus Schweighofer

Alejandro completed his three month secondment at Department of Mathematics and Computer Science - University of Florence in May 2020, half of which was during Covid19 pandemic.

Dipartimento di Matematica e Informatica - Università di Ferrara ...

Department of Mathematics and Computer Science - University of Florence


The purpose of his secondment is :

  • To acquire new perspectives about tensor decomposition and algebraic geometry

"Professor Giorgio Ottaviani has helped me in my research project and working together with the POEMA student in UNIFI (Ettore Teixeira Turatti) in a temporal project about interesting relations between varieties defined as multiple root loci "Alejandro said.

The activities and work carried during his secondment included: 

  • Reading papers about coincident root loci, algebraic geometry and binary forms
  • Attending some lectures of Giorgio at UNIFI (before SARS-CoV-2 entered in action in Europe)
  • Discussing with Professor Giorgio online about the topics studied during the secondment, and
  • Writing a (possible still-in-process) paper about these topics together with Ettore and the help of Giorgio.

The three month secondment has brought him new knowledge, experiences and helped him better in his current research.