Sebastian Debus, an ESR at UiT The Arctic University of Norway has recently completed the secondment at University of Konstanz (UKON).
The Phd topic of Sebastian is "Numerical cubature with symmetry and applications to polynomial optimization" under the scope of POEMA project. This was an online secondment for two months of May and June due to the pandemic. Sebastian has worked with Prof. Markus Schweighofer, Prof. Salma Kuhlmann, Dr. Charu Goel, Dr. Maria Infusino at UKON in coordinating with Prof. Cordian Riener, his main advisor at UiT The Arctic University of Norway.
University of Konstanz, Germany
The purpose of the secondment was to obtain an understanding of the moment problems and non-negativity questions which is a central research topic in Constance and to explore these in equivariant situations. The main discussion and work of Sebastian during the secondment were on:
- Working project “A study of cones of sums of squares forms invariant by finite reflection groups” (joint work with Cordian Riener).
- Certificates for non-negativity of invariants form by real reflection groups (joint work with Cordian Riener).
- Non-negativity versus sums of squares in equivariant situations with Salma Kuhlmann, Charu Goel and Cordian Riener.
- Equivariant moment problems together with Maria Infusino, Salma Kuhlmann and Cordian Riener.
Sebastian will have two other secondments at Inria and Artelys in 2021.