
News and Events

Secondment of Sebastian Debus (ESR at UiT) with Inria and Artelys (France)

Sebastian Debus had secondments with Inria for 2 months (January and April 2022) and Artelys (February and march 2022).

From Toulouse with Math

by Andries Steenkamp (CWI)

This article is a short update on my adventurous second secondment. It is divided into two parts. First, the human part where I tell you of my experience coming to Toulouse. The second part is the math part, where I give a sneak peek into what math I have been cooking along with Monique, Victor and Milan.

Secondment at ARTELYS

by Lorenzo Baldi (ESR 9 from INRIA)

 My secondment at ARTELYS started at the end of January 2022, and it is planned to last three months. Due to the pandemic and the remote working conditions in the company, it has been decided to start it online, but a future physical meeting is in the plan.

This project receives funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement N° 813211  (POEMA)


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